
Shakespeare may have had a lover on his mind when he wrote, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” But, honestly, had he visited Pennsylvania in autumn, he’d have to agree: “Thou art more lovely.”
Trout Run Acres, Route 562 west of Boyertown, grabbed my eye one afternoon. And while their last day is October 30, grab the beauty in the remaining days, add to your home’s curb appeal or home décor featuring nature’s rainbow:
…pumpkins and gourds….
…tomatoes and tomato products… including mild salsa, sweet tomato butter, and pasta sauce. Yum! Tomato butter on toast or a bagel with cream cheese.
…and potatoes
…brussel sprouts… a touch of frost turns them sweet and mild. They take months to mature, and only the best mature in cold weather, making them an exclusive late season vegetable!
…and cabbage… If you’re making stuffed cabbage, you’ll love that cabbage is now in season--tender and sweet
Other New fall produce items: spinach, cauliflower, and fall-bearing red raspberries
Stock the freezer with special prices on their beef from cattle who eat well. Their young steers are always eager to take a break from grass to clean up scraps and leftovers from the stand. Nothing goes to waste.
Off-season for Trout Run Acres means making changes to the barn and planning for other surprising offerings coming in spring. They’ll be back! And we’ll be back in May to tell you all about them.
Meanwhile, take a trip to Trout Run Acres Farm Stand for last-minute additions to your home and landscape autumn decor and your winter supply of healthy veggies and farm-fresh beef!