From Mr. Pennington, BASH TSA Advisor
For the 10th time, the Boyertown High School TSA club qualified to attend the TSA National Conference. Eight local students competed in a field that included nearly 8000 students from 48 states and countries such as Germany, Turkey, American Samoa, and more. The conference was held in the Kentucky International Conference Center in Louisville, KY, from June 27th to July 2nd.
This year's group started the conference off on fire... with every single one of the students reaching the semi-finals in one or more events which means that they were immediately ranked in the top 12 in the world at their events. As the results started to come in, Boyertown ended up being in the top 10 in the world in several events.
Top 3 Finishers:
Biotechnology Design - 2nd place: Ethan Maraldo, Grace Gibbins, Mckenna Smith, and Thomas Huber
Architectural Design and Model - 3rd Place - Mckenna Smith and Ethan Maraldo
Top 10 Finishers:
Animatronics - 10th Place: Ethan Maraldo, Brayden Pope
Board Game Design - 9th Place: Grace Gibbins, Thomas Huber, Allyson Bosler, Milly Liang
Fashion Design - 10th Place: Milly Liang, Mckenna Smith, Grace Gibbins
Geospatial Technology - 9th Place: Ethan Maraldo, Brayden Pople, Grace Gibbins, Lucas Famous
Systems Control Technology - 8th Place: Brayden Pope, Milly Liang, Ethan Maraldo
In a competition with 8000 other people, winning one thing at Nationals is highly competitive and rare. For these guys to all be in the top 10 in the world for one of their events is pretty unheard of.
Congratulations to this year's competitors and Mr. Pennington on an incredible year!
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