Building a Better Pumpkin Event Offered First Friday Family Fun


by Jane Stahl

Vote for your favorite decorated window! Guess the weight of the Great Pumpkin and winner takes the big boy home!

The Building a Better Boyertown office featured the season's iconic candy corn and fun and funny faces. 

Along South Reading Avenue, Revive captured the attention of Phillies fans. Weidner's Deli window caught my eye.

On North Reading Avenue, Michelle's Hair Designs and Breezeway 1900 captured the season's colors.

Peppermint Stick gave space for a book launch and, as always, created top-line themed decor.

Bridget offered a spirited welcome to her shop and an opportunity for a fun family photo.

The Great Pumpkin invites votes!

While I didn't vote, my camera did. It liked Becker Home's window best! It wouldn't stop taking photos.

Studio B had plans for decorating pumpkins but, as Bobby Burns confesses, "The best laid plans of mice an' men/Gang aft a-gley." We liked the United Way's display.

Down the street a bit, Stellar House grabbed media attention from WFMZ, and the new mural saw progress. 

Brakeman's Cafe was packed inside while folks outside enjoyed the concert from the porch. Gnomes waited among the pumpkin patch and a bed of greens under the mammoth magnolia for the Great Pumpkin to appear. 

A mild October evening with friends and family and a walk around a friendly neighborhood was a delightful preview of a special weekend ahead in Boyertown--Pickfest 2023. 

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