Boyertown Area Senior High Communications Intern Meena Larkin recently made her first social media post in her new job. Calling it "On the Walls in the Halls," Meena chose to share a photo array of beautiful mosaic murals.
Created by Middle School West students of the past, using pieces of broken glass, ceramic, and mirrors, under the guidance of now retired art teacher William Scheck, these murals can been seen on the walls of the school.
Meena's insightful post accompanying the photos says, "I discovered that MSW sees the beauty in our individual uniqueness while still being able to come together to create one beautiful district. Enjoy the pics!"
A week later, Meena revisited her thoughts in another Facebook post, saying "Our students at NHUF (New Hanover-Upper Frederick ) Elementary School designed and contributed their own individual feather, which was used to create this beautiful masterpiece!" See photos below.
Appreciation to Meena for reminding us that when people come together and work together, they can move mountains!
Philadelphia TV's ABC celebrity weather forecaster, Adam Joseph, made a personal visit Thursday, October 19, to feature Boyertown's Colebrookdale Railroad on the air.
It was evident from Joseph's enthusiastic broadcast that he and his crew had a great time exploring the beautifully restored train cars and the train yard, and visiting with Nathaniel Guest, Executive Director and Founder of the Colebrookdale Railroad Preservation Trust and Josh Alderfer, Manager of Business and Operations Development.
The approximately five minute segment can be viewed here if you have Facebook access. The segment illustrates how the railroad is helping the Boyertown area chug from the past to the future.
[Photos from Facebook.]