[Ed. note: During the holiday season, we are eager to spread the holiday joy by publishing cookie recipes and/or photographs of our readers’ favorite tree ornaments or holiday decorations along with a few sentences sharing a memory or meaning behind them. Please consider participating and send recipes, photos, and a few sentences about them to Leslemisko@aol.com OR JaneEStahl@comcast.net]
Boyertown resident and retired Boyertown Area School District English teacher Sharon Fisherowski shares a meaningful Christmas decoration that has been passed down to her.
by Sharon Fisherowski
"First extended vacation. First out of state and country. First airplane ride.
In the summer of 1985, when in their 80s, my frugal, dairy farming grandparents took their first overseas trip to Germany to visit their eldest grandson, who was stationed at Hamburg's Army base.
My homemaker grandmother was awed by the many country's hillside awe-inspiring castles, and yet more home-like lovely quaint cottages with window boxes of red geraniums.
Later, she would reminisce about her German adventure with her treasured souvenirs of eight tiny angel musician Christmas decorations, probably Woolworth-grade, made of pastel plastic and wiring.
These few but honored trinkets from a world away represented the trip of a lifetime for them.
Each holiday now when I unpack them, I remember my grandparents."
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