
by Amy Muzopappa
The most interactive and fun basketball event in the world is coming to Boyertown, PA! The Harlem Wizards Basketball Team will visit the Bear Gym at Boyertown Area Senior High
School on Saturday, January 20, 2024 for an evening of high-flying fun. The Wizards will play at 5 PM(doors open at 4PM) against the Foundation All-Stars: A team of Boyertown Area School District teachers, principals and staff, sponsored by the Foundation
for Boyertown Education. With an emphasis on FUN, this fundraising event supports the Foundations teacher grants program, providing innovation in the classroom.
The Wizards event will feature a variety of interactive extras! When you are in the stands, you are more than a spectator, you’re part of the show, with comedy, slam dunks,
audience participation, merchandise giveaways and more. “We are so excited to host the Harlem Wizards,” said Amy Muzopappa, Executive Director of the Foundation for Boyertown Education. “They put on a great show for all ages. We also appreciate the support
of our community and the sponsors who will make this event a great success. We guarantee a fun time for everyone.” Sponsorships for the game are available. Contact Amy Muzopappa for more information on being a sponsor.
The Foundation for Boyertown Education relies on fundraising to continue to advance their programs. In 2023 alone, the Foundation awarded more than $155,000 in innovative teacher
grants to benefit students in the Boyertown Area School District. The programs, equipment and projects funded by the Foundation span all levels from pre-K to the high school. According to Muzopappa, “There is not one student that comes through the Boyertown
Area School District that has not been positively affected by the Foundation.”
Admission in advance is $12 for students, $12 for the public, $25 for reserved seating and $45 for Courtside Plus. Children 3 and under are admitted free. Courtside Plus ticket
holders receive first-row seating and meet privately with some of the Wizard players before the game for a meet-and-greet. Visit to purchase tickets.
About The Foundation for Boyertown Education:
The Foundation for Boyertown Education fosters enriched educational experiences for the students of the Boyertown Area School District by providing grants
and enhanced learning opportunities. The Foundation for Boyertown Education is an independent public charity separate from
the Boyertown School District (BASD). The Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization, founded in 2013 and run solely by a volunteer board comprised of community leaders, business owners and parents. To carry out their mission, the Foundation
relies on tax-deductible donations from individuals, businesses, corporations, service clubs, civic groups, alumni and residents. The Foundation serves as a channel through which the Boyertown Community enhances the education of its young people and strengthens
the future of the community itself. Strong schools strengthen communities. More info:
About the Harlem Wizards:
Founded in 1962, the Harlem Wizards have played more than 15,000 games throughout the U.S. that have raised more than $25 million for schools and charitable
causes. The Wizards have also played in more than 25 foreign countries on six continents.
The Harlem Wizards have a unique mission: create awe-inspiring events throughout the country. At a Wizards game, fans will witness amazing
basketball talent combined with hilarious comedy. It’s two hours of family time where parents, grandparents, and kids can all laugh together. When you’re in the stands, you’re more than a spectator; you’re part of the show with loads of audience participation.
Throughout the game, fans will experience a magical display of tricks, coordinated ball handling, fancy passing and aerodynamic athleticism combined with high-energy comedy and audience interaction. The experience can only be summed up in two words: Awe-Inspiring!
More info: