
By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.
May 21, 1892: “Dr. J.F. Henry” gives his side of the story. Having been accused of fraud against the National Bank of Boyertown, Dr. John Henry Funk had disappeared several years ago. When it was reported that he had been found in Florida last week in the Boyertown Demokrat, Funk took offense and wrote a rebuttal to the editor. “The object of this letter is to correct some false statements given through the President of the National Bank of Boyertown.”
1. Mr. [Daniel] Rhoads stated that he found me living under an assumed name. Wrong there, friend Rhoads. The name is my own and has been since I can remember, “just a trifle abridged.” 2. As to being astonished at seeing him, wrong again. “Had been expecting him or Mr. [Milton] Mory [the cashier] for some time.” 3. Rhoads further states, W.S. Funk, my son is living with me; wrong again, I am living with my son. 4. Roads states I had deeded my property to my son. Partly right, for once, friend Rhoads, but wrong again in the main. This property was sold wo W.S. Funk, as we have plenty of evidence to prove. For all of this we have vouchers and witnesses. 5. “I make these statements that our friends may understand our actions, and know there was nothing underhand about the transaction, nothing done to defraud [the rest of the statement is missing].
From Dr. J.F. Henry, Lawtey, Fla.” On March 29, 1893, it was reported that the bank had won the case against Dr. Funk before the court in Jacksonville, Florida, to recover $3300 with three years’ interest and the cost of litigation, about $5000.