May 30, 1876: Decoration Day Observed in Boyertown


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

May 30, 1876: Decoration Day has been observed in a fitting manner today in Boyertown. Many residences are tastefully decorated and a procession has formed, under the auspices of the Patriotic Sons of America, at Grim’s Centennial Hall at 18 South Reading Avenue. The parade marched east on Philadelphia Avenue and south on Chestnut Street to the Union Cemetery with the Boyertown Cornet Band, local dignitaries on horseback and members of the different lodges of town participating. At the cemetery, an ovation, in English, was delivered by Rev. Read, after which the graves of the soldiers in the Union Army were decorated as the band played a solemn dirge. After the ceremonies were over, the procession marched to Fairview Cemetery, where Rev. Leonard Groh delivered an address and the graves of the soldiers buried in that cemetery were decorated.

After World War II, Memorial Day become the more common name for this holiday, and it was made official under Federal law in 197. In 1968, Congress moved the date of the celebration from May 30 to the last Monday in May.

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