June 21, 1916: Soldiers Killed and Wounded on Mexican Border


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

June 21, 1916: Word has been received that Private James Rausch of Hereford has been seriously wounded by Mexican bandits. He was a member of the guard of soldiers stationed at San Ignacio, Texas, on the Mexican border, when a party of thugs crossed the Rio Grande at 2 a.m. and opened hostilities at their camp.

The battle lasted 30 minutes and was fought in brilliant moonlight. Three soldiers were killed and Rausch was one of the six wounded. He is reported in serious condition and is being brought to Washington, D.C. for treatment.

Rausch is the first Berks man hurt since the United States Army was ordered to the Mexican border, under the command of Brigadier General John J. Pershing, to guard against the mindless violence and banditry of Pancho Villa’s raids in the United States.

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