Boyertown Spaatz Museum Helps To Educate Educators


During the Boyertown Area School District (BASD) spring semester, Middle School West (MSW) teachers spent time on a professional learning day visiting the General Carl Spaatz Museum right here in Boyertown. 

The museum has been part of MSW's walking tour field trip, and provides teachers with a valuable local learning experience. The visit was arranged by Mrs. Landis, Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning. 

General Spaatz was born in Boyertown in 1891, and was appointed to the U.S. Military Academy ini 1910. After graduating in June 1914, we was commissioned a second lieutenant of infantry. He served with the 25th United States Infantry. 

Visit the museum website by clicking here.

 [Information and photos from Let's Talk Wednesday, school district digital newsletter.]   

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