Entering a New Decade, Brandon Foose Offers Present Wisdom


Ed.: Brandon’s recent Facebook post on the eve of a day ushering in the beginning of a new decade of his life offers deep wisdom about living well amid life’s struggles and heartbreaks. We think you’ll enjoy his reflections.

By Brandon Foose*

This morning, after 6am yoga, I noticed this dragonfly perched near my driveway. They fluttered their wings and hovered several times, landing back atop this branch to stretch its wings. After taking time to observe and notice them, I tried my luck at snapping a photo.

Today is my last day in my 30s and it's been quite a decade. Heading into this next decade of life I am coming to terms with just how different things are than I had envisioned at a younger age.

The day-to-day variance in emotions can be incredibly challenging. Some days I am full of self-confidence and vigor, others self-doubt and sloth. There are moments of joy and moments of intense sadness. Some days I can sit with my thoughts and feelings and other days can feel inescapable despite a compulsion to flee.

In a recent therapy session, we talked about my desire to feel the full range of human emotion, despite knowing that welcoming love and gratitude is counter balanced by fear, pain, and despair.

Heading in to a new chapter, my focus is on presence. I've been trying to be more present for a while now. Some days are easy and others elusive. It remains a large area, or opportunity for growth.

To help balance the pursuit of mindfulness, I'd also like to offer more grace. I'd like to offer more grace to myself and everyone who's experiencing life at the same time as I am. It's okay that I have no idea where I'm headed. It's okay that I'm a dabbler, constantly starting and stopping hobbies. It's okay that some days I smile with no effort. And it's okay that some days I don't want to get out of bed.

Gratitude doesn't exist in isolation and neither does melancholy. I just want to remember to notice things. Notice what feelings come up. Notice how emotions feel in my body. Notice how others are living and experiencing life around me. Notice the small things...the plants growing on the side of a cliff, the shapes in the clouds, ants crawling along the pavement, water flowing over rocks in a creek. Notice the big things...my children's milestones, Phillies playoff games, expressions of love, changing of seasons, and shooting stars. I want to be in awe of my place, large and small, in this universe.

*Brandon, BASH grad 2002 and External Quality manager at Pfizer, served as a Boyertown Area School District school board director from 2017 to 2021. Brandon is a volunteer coach for Boyertown travel soccer and former coach of the high school and youth wrestling. He’s been a member of the steering committee for Preston's Pantry. External Quality manager at Pfizer.

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