"I AM: Proud" Poems Call for Remembering Commonality and Blessings


Artwork: "Love People" by Sharon McGingley

Ed.: As part of Studio B Art Gallery's "I AM: Proud" project, local writers and artists were encouraged to respond to the theme.

by Kathy Kirk

Very often, we humans become self-centered and forget how much we depend on others. These performance poems attempt to look at how much better we can be together than we are alone.

The poem is for at least two readers; however, ideally the more, the merrier! All lines are to be read together in unison, but at the reading of the first part, each performer will face the audience & one way or another, point to his or herself.

As the second bolded portion of each stanza is read, the performers will turn, face each other & gesture in some way--a handshake, hug, high 5, or some other method of showing a bond.  


I am
Because you are.

I am capable,
We are competent.

I am quick witted,
We are clever.

I have ideas,

We are creative.
I am disciplined,

We are orderly.
I have a positive outlook,

We exude optimism.
I have integrity,

We are upright.
I am confident,

We are bold.
I am strong,

We are insurmountable.
I am courageous,

We are audacious.
I am adaptable,

We are evolved.
I am considerate,

We are compassionate.
I am big-hearted,

We are generous.
I am loved,

We give back love.
I’ve been given grace,

We are forgiving.
I am grateful,

We give thanks.
I am unique,

We are united.
I am human,

We are humanity…




(First Voice)             (Second Voice)
I am…                           I am...
PROUD                        PROUD

Say it                          Say it

In a                            In a

Or slightly             Or slightly

From a                  From a

Or field that’s   Or field that's

I am…                   I am...

GLAD                   GLAD

Not too               Not too

Can’t feel          Can't feel

The life I’ve    The life I've

Is                         Is



* Kathy Kirk
is a retired teacher of biology & human physiology whose interests span from nature, to health and the human body, to music, crafts and sewing, to skiing and hiking. She is a person who firmly believes that God and science can coexist. 

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