July 31, 1922: Explosion Deemed Cause of Fire Destroying Green Tree Hotel and Death of Proprietor
By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.
July 31, 1922: The charred remains of Elias Daniel Fritz, proprietor of the Green Tree Hotel in Frederick, burned beyond recognition, were removed from the smoldering mass of embers that had been his hotel.
His body was found in his bedroom on the second floor of the building, difficult to reach because of the burnt floor. A hoe was used to position the body so that it would fall through the floor joists and drop into a coffin that was placed just beneath.
One leg, an arm and part of his head were totally burned away. Fritz’s pet dog also perished in the fire. It is believed that it started when a kerosene lamp in the hotel’s till was overturned, causing an explosion.
The flames were first seen by a neighbor, Orlando Erb, who resides across the road. The Green Lane and Gilbertsville Fire companies responded to the call for help. Despite their efforts, there was no chance to save the building.
Two firemen were badly shaken up and drenched when they fell through the front porch floor of the hotel, into a well with eight feet of water. Ropes were lowered and the men were removed from their perilous location. They remained on the scene, despite being soaked to the skin. The loss from the fire, which swept through the hotel, is estimated at $6000.
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