Ho! Ho! Ho! Richard A. Zuber Realty Delivers Toys and Santa to Delight Area Tots


by Jane Stahl

Toys for Tots:
Beginning in early November barrels are traditionally available at Zuber Realty's offices in Boyertown and Royersford collecting toys and donations. Recently, the toys that were generously donated by members of the community  were delivered in the Zuber bus to the Boyertown Salvation Army to distribute to the area’s children.

Rich Zuber (second from right) and agent Lee Heffner (wearing Rudolf's antlers) deliver toys to the Boyertown Salvation Army headquarters. (photos by Muzo Media Productions)

Santa Celebration:
Santa and The Grinch greeted children and their families recently at the Zuber Realty office, 201 E Philadelphia Ave, Boyertown, PA, offering children an opportunity to share their Wish List and take home gifts of cookies, a coloring book and crayons.

Santa was even presented with a wish list from a friendly canine visitor!

Agents Betsy Bellantoni and Lee Heffner offer children gifts of headgear from Santa.

The self-described Official Cookie Taster, Mark Roberts of TriCounty+ Appraisal, invites children to activity books, crayons, and snacks. 

Richard A. Zuber Realty

Richard A. Zuber Realty features a management style that offers training, professional development and support for all agents, freedom from a fee-based arrangement, flexibility offered through a trained and experienced office support staff, and opportunities to utilize assorted creative marketing services.

More than just a real estate company, Zuber Realty offers real estate specialties including seller and buyer brokerage for both residential and commercial real estate, property management, and appraisal services.

With a team of full-time real estate agents and a support staff dedicated to the real estate industry, Richard A. Zuber Realty is unsurpassed in service by any organization in the Tri-County Area. The firm’s motto “We work for you!” underscores the company’s dedication to full service from dedicated, experienced professional.

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