
Chestnut Knoll Personal Care and Memory Care is hosting an informative webinar re: Veterans Benefits on Thursday, Nov 3, 10-11 a.m. There are many government-funded programs available to support the care needs of our military veterans. Watch from home or attend our watch party. Steve Mannino, Veterans Benefit Educator and Outreach Coordinator for the County of Berks will discuss benefits, access, and provide contact information. Free. To attend the webinar and receive your link or to join, RSVP Julie at 610-400-1980 or by email by Nov 1.
Chestnut Knoll
120 W 5th Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
United States
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 44 and low of 30 degrees. Fog in the morning, sunny in the afternoon, clear in the evening, overcast overnight.
Very nice. Thanks to you both.