
Like peanut butter and jelly, Boyertown and baseball always make a great pair. Continuing that tradition, the Boyertown Midget Baseball League (BMBL), along with the Lions and Rotary Clubs, will break ground on a new high-quality update to Mackey Field at the Boyertown Community Park Saturday, August 20 at 2:00 P.M.
Community members are invited to come out and show their support. Traditional baseball game food – hot dogs, popcorn, Birch Beer – will be on hand to celebrate the groundbreaking.
Scott Rath, a BMBL team coach who is in his tenth year as BMBL president says, “At the groundbreaking, BMBL will be represented by team members who illustrate the impressive age range and variety of teams that are part of this League. The Boyertown Midget Baseball League is open to all kids of all ages.”
Coach Donald Mackey, for whom the field is named, was instrumental in working with others such as the Rotary Club, “to bring baseball to Boyertown as early as 1951,” says Rath. In 1966 the field that was later named after the coach was donated to the community by the Rotary Club. The current plan to raise funds to upgrade the field was launched in 2018 and when the project is complete, it will also complete Mackey’s vision for baseball in Boyertown.
According to the League website, Donald Mackey “was always involved in youth activities,” including coaching baseball, football, and basketball. His son Chris, a current BMBL board member and team coach, will also participate in Saturday’s event..
Plans reveal that field renovations will include covered dugouts, expanded bullpens, expansion of the in-play area behind home plate, conversion to a grass infield, addition of ADA-compliant restrooms, and seating behind home plate, among other improvements. The project will provide an impressive facility and enable Boyertown to host state and regional tournaments
Rath points out that thousands of players have played on this field over the years and he is extremely excited about the coming improvements. He enjoys “coming to the park and seeing four games being played at once, watching the kids and their joy. It’s a way to give back to the community. Everyone needs to give back..”
Rath is grateful for the community support that has made this project possible. BMLB vice-president Pat Maloney shares that sentiment. They both hope that the community will continue to help make this project a reality.
BMLB Rec players are encouraged to wear their BMBL gear and/or Rec jersey to the groundbreaking. Rath is hoping for a large turnout.
Clearly the words “play ball” will be heard in the Boyertown community park for decades to come.
[Photo and plan graphic from BMBL website.]