
The Borough of Bally has received a $100,000 grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority. The money is earmarked for improvements to the community park. According to the Reading Eagle, the money comes from state authorized gambling revenues via a policy "established by the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming Act of 2004." [Read the Reading Eagle article here.]
Gilbertsville Area Community Ambulance Service is holding its annual subscription drive and encourages residents to purchase the appropriate membership(s) for the occupants of their home. Mailings were sent or you can sign up and submit payment here.
Don't be sorry; be safe.
Boyertown Athletics is hoping you are looking for a dessert for Easter dinner. If so, you can help support the Lady Bears softball team by ordering a Frecon Farms pie or quiche. Pies must be ordered by March 27 and will be available for pick-up Friday, April 7. Use this link and enter-- softballpies-- when it asks for a password or scan the QR code in the ad below.
For the third year, BASH Bands invites students in 5th- 11th grades to attend the Boyertown Area School District Color Guard Day. This clinic-event will be held at Middle School East from 5:30-8:00 PM on Wednesday, March 29. No experience is needed. Read additional information and sign up here, or scan the QR code in the ad below.