Boyertown Area School District Graduates Approximately 500 Students at Reading Venue


Photo from BASH Choirs on Facebook.

Last night the Boyertown Area Senior High (BASH) class of 2023 said its official farewell to high school when approximately 500 seniors stepped off to the traditional “Pomp and Circumstance” at Reading’s Santander Arena. Family, friends, and school district staff were there to cheer them on.

Following a music prelude by the senior high Brass Choir, under the direction of Mr. Brian Langdon, seniors entered and Naval Junior Reserve Officers and the Training Corp Color Guard presented the “Parade of Colors.” Everyone was then invited to join in the National Anthem and the school’s Alma Mater, led by the Show Choir, under the direction of Mr. Jeffrey Brunner.

Ellianna Ferraro, class officer in charge of public relations, provided an invocation and invited everyone to take part in a moment of silence. BASH principal Dr. E. Wayne Foley welcomed the seniors and their guests, and a class of 2023 video was shared. 

After the introduction of the class officers – Dylan M. Klass, president; Richard T. Black, vice president; Corinne J. Bieber, treasurer; Alyssa J. Allbanese, secretary; and Ferraro— the show choir sang Billy Joel’s And So It Goes.  Students Sarah Burrell, Olivia Helmer, and Grace Major then sang the official class song, One Republic’s I Lived. Also participating in the ceremony was class adviser, Mrs. Jennifer Benning.  

Photo by Boyertown Area School District on Facebook.

Valedictorian speeches were presented by vice-president Black on the theme of “Unite and Conquer” and by Tanisha Johri, whose theme was “The Discomfort Zone.” The Salutatorian speech, titled “Champions,” was presented by class president Klass, who also gave the farewell address, “Bound for Greatness.”

Continuing a tradition established countless years ago, the Lamp of Knowledge was passed to Joseph E. Kummerer, president of the rising class of 2024. To learn more about this tradition, readers are invited to view this wonderful video produced by BASH-TV and telecommunications teacher, Mr. William Cherkasky: The Good Old Days: Episode 8 (The Lamp of Knowledge). [Note: sometimes  requires you to watch a brief commercial or two prior to the video.]

Also in keeping with tradition, the class of 2023 will always be associated with the class colors, black and cyan blue; the class flower, the orchid; and the class motto, “Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” The quote derives from reggae musician Bob Marley. The class flag, designed by  Johri, will join others on display in the high school.

Diplomas were presented by school district superintendent  Mrs. Marybeth Torchia and principal Foley; the former also presented the “declaration of graduates.” As the seniors marched out, the Brass Choir performed the Recessional Grand March. 

Photo Boyertown Area School District Facebook page.
This list, included in the graduation program, provides insight into the new graduates' future plans.
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