In Case You Missed It ...


Photo from Facebook.
Photo from Facebook.

It's Graduation Time...

Friday evening, June 2, approximately 500 Boyertown Area Senior High seniors were awarded diplomas at the Santander Arena in Reading. We invite Expression readers to watch the video of that event by clicking here.  

To help with viewing the video, please note the following: may require you to watch a commercial or two first; these are brief. Also, be sure to have your volume turned up. Finally, the video begins with a musical selection performed by students and just a screen with the program title; the video actually gets underway at about the 7 minutes and 25 seconds into the video.  Enjoy.   

If you missed The Expression article about graduation, you can read it by scrolling down on this page or by clicking here. 

Each year graduating students are fortunate to earn an array of awards and scholarships for their achievements in specific areas. The "Boyertown Class of 2023 Senior Awards Night" program can also be viewed on video: just click here.  Once again, may require you to watch a brief commercial or two first.      

Thanks to BASHtv and telecommunications teacher  Mr. Willian Cherkasky for enabling the community to share in these special events via video.    

Last Chance to Catch BASH Alums 

in Old Time Radio Performance 

at Reading Area Event.

Today, Sunday, June 4 is the last day to catch Boyertown Area Senior High class of 1981 alums Cara Cotellese and Roger Sobeck recreate old time radio with the "Spirit of the Airwaves Players," at the 32nd Annual "World War I Weekend" in Reading. You might also see the majestic B-29 in the skies above, reminding us of times of challenge to our nation's freedom.

If you missed these articles, you can scroll down this page or click here AND here to read them. 

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