
Tonight’s “New Hanover Haunt” promises to provide a ghoulishly good time for all who attend!
This family friendly event is being held at the New Hanover Township Community Park, 2766 Gail Drive, Gilbertsville 19525, tonight from 6:00-8:00 pm. Visitors are encouraged to wear their trick or treat costumes to get into the spirit of the evening.
Jim Bozzini, a member of the New Hanover Parks and Recreation Committee and chairman of this event, is clearly excited about the spooktacular plans for the evening. He emphasizes that the event IS family friendly. “Visitors will walk through the decorated big red barn at the park where they will see some Halloween themed things. It is designed for people to enjoy Halloween and its traditions, but it is not meant to terrify anyone,” he summarizes.
The barn at the park will serve as the center of activity. To reach it visitors will have to navigate through an outdoor maze constructed of hay bales. Once inside, there will be another maze with even higher walls. Beyond the maze, visitors will walk past a variety of scary characters such as the “Headless Horseman.” Bozzini credits his neighbor, Anthony Moors, with doing “an incredible job researching and crafting these stationary sculptures.”
Next, guests will move past a series of vignettes that depict scenes from well- known television shows and movies, such as The Adams Family. These vignettes reflect the spirit and traditions of Halloween. “The characters in these scenes will be portrayed by real people,” Bozzini says, proudly emphasizing the community’s willingness to work together to create a great night. Keep your eyes open and you might see Bozzini reprising his role as “Beetlejuice” from the 1988 movie.
Other activities at the New Hanover Haunt will include an outdoor movie projection, and distribution of candy by several local businesses.
“This is a grass roots event of people coming together to share family fun. It is an opportunity for area residents to meet and greet one another and provide a safe and enjoyable time for children,” states Bozzini.
Last year the event had about 500 visitors; this year more are anticipated. Be prepared for a possible wait to enter the barn.