November 14, 1915: Coroner's Conclusion Provides Evidence to Prove Homicide


November 14, 1915: The county coroner has determined that Albert Kenderline’s death was not due to heart trouble and drunkenness as originally certified. After rumors began flying around the Pine Forge neighborhood that Kenderline had gotten into a fight with fellow worker, Antonio Patricio, over a woman and Patricio had hit him on the head with a pick handle, the District Attorney’s office started to investigate.

While friends and relatives were at the church for Kenderline’s funeral service, three officials from the county arrived upon the scene to notify everyone that the body could not be interred until an autopsy had been performed.

Upon opening up the skull, the coroner discovered that it had been crushed, even though there was only a slight external bruise on the head, about the size of a quarter. They now had enough evidence to warrant a charge of murder and arrested Patricio. Albert Kenderline could then be properly buried.

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