November 21, 1965: Bearette's Hockey Team Bring Home the Chest Mont League Championship


by Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

November 21, 1965: The Bearette hockey team has brought the Chest Mont League championship to Boyertown. Coached by G. Marvella Wise, the girls had an undefeated season.

From the opener of the year against Owen J. Roberts, they displayed the kind of hustle and skills that make champions. Miss Wise has commented that this was the highest scoring team she had ever coached in Boyertown, with a whopping 25 goals, while allowing their opponents only four points. The Bearettes had five shut-outs and the highest score against them all season was two goals by Great Valley.

Sharon Shankweiler, the team captain and right inner, was the high scorer for the season, with 10 goals in the eight-game schedule. Other high scorers were Susan Benfield who had seven goals and Sally Barbour with six. Coach Wise gave the entire team the credit for working hard together to pull off an undefeated season.

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