
In the North Campus were treasures galore.
The stockings were hung on the vendors displays
While shoppers were waking with thoughts of their day.
And mama with her breakfast, a muffin and starbucks
Was reading the paper and thought “what great luck.”
When out in the road there arose such a clatter
She jumped from her chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the window she flew like a flash
Tore open the curtains and threw up the sash.
When what to her wondering eyes should appear
But a caravan of cars making the trip of the year.
She jumped in the van and off to the Belsnickel she shall go
Mama can’t wait for the crafts of the wonderful show.
She parked her van and paid the entrance fee
To herself she said “The rest of my day shall be for me!”
More rapid than eagles she shopped the isles
Checking each vendor and every style.
There were wood carvers and turnings, wooden spoons,
antique inspired jewelry, wire jewelry, baskets and brooms,
stoneware, red ware, pottery, dried flower designs
Christmas ornaments, gourd birdhouses, quilted products and hex signs.
There were goose feather trees, paintings, , sea glass,
Totes, purses, wet felting, knit socks,
wool garments, photography, balsamic vinegars and blown glass,
and of course the Belsnickel itself, who rocks!
With a wink of her eye and hands that were full,
She grabbed her new scarf of wool,
She wrapped it tight,
And smiled as she thought with delight,
My shopping is done
And I’ve had great fun.
The crowds heard her exclaim as she drove out of sight
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
The Boyertown Area Historical Society cordially invites you to attend the 52nd Der Belsnickel Craft show at New Ridge Fellowship, North Campus, 3065 Charlotte Street in Gilbertsville, PA.
Friday, November 24th from 11:00 until 6:00 pm, Saturday, November 25th from 10:00 until 4:00 pm.
Admission is $7 Cash (12 and under are free).
See you there!