December 10, 1898: Bullet Travels in Accidental Shooting


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

December 10, 1898: A bullet fired by an unknown person for an unknown reason slammed into the second floor of the parsonage of Good Shepherd Reformed Church at the corner of West Philadelphia Avenue and North Walnut Street at 5:30 this evening. It passed through a window pane and curtain, entering the bathroom where it struck a wall and glanced off, shot through the door into the hall, carrying splinters with it on its way to the opposite end of the hall, where its flight was stopped and it fell down the front stairway.

Quite an adventurous little journey, but it was battered into a shapeless mass at the end of its trip. It had been shot from a 42 caliber revolver. Pastor Joseph Freeman, who was home at the time, thinks it was an accidental shot.

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