Philosophizing About Food With Francine: Pasta e Fagioli Soup


by Francine Black

Cookies are baked, Collin’s relaxing by our mini tree and the big red pot is bubbling away on the stove. Tonight’s soup is the ancient Venetian favorite, pasta e fagioli. 

As early as Roman times, the common folk of ancient Venice made this pasta and bean soup to fortify their bodies. In those days, the 17th of January was the day set aside for butchering hogs as the weather was cool by then. It was traditional to make pasta e fagioli soup on that day and to add some of the less desireable cuts of meat to flavor the broth. 

Of course the more prime cuts of meat went to the more affluent citizens who turned their noses up at the thought of peasant fare and sadly they missed out on this delicious soup. 

As with all good food, the word eventually got out and by modern times, all of Italy embraced this dish with each region of Italy and indeed the whole world creating its own favorite version. 

  Our version begins with a mirepoix and features a broth of San Marzano tomato passata, cannellini beans, kale and bits of hot Italian sausage. We added the requisite herbs, a large hunk of parmigiano rind and because Collin requested it, we finished with bicolored bow tie pasta.

  Wishing all my friends the blessings of this joyous season!

High in the mountains above Bally, where the dense groves of treetops seem to touch the sky, is Francine Black, Boyertown’s own version of chef Julia Child. Her daily activities reflect the things she most values: family and friends, music, and lovingly prepared food.

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