"B Inspired" Follows Life Journey of Melanie Roth, Community Leader


by Jane Stahl

Melanie Roth has been inspiring me personally since I first saw her perform as a young girl. There's an energy she taps into that motivates those around her in her various roles, and I was delighted to have a chance to learn more about her journey and the challenges she's faced. 

As suspected, Mel has never met a challenge she couldn't outperform. Her childhood dream as captain of her twirling team provided her with the leadership skills, commitment, and drive to fill challenging roles within her community as teacher and executive director of the YMCA and continue to climb the corporate ladder of responsibility with the YMCA organization all while making sure her family's needs were met.

B Inspired podcast can be found on your favorite podcast platform including Anchor FM, Spotify, Google, Castbox, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic, and Apple.

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