Bob Wood's popular history talks, newly developed presentations, are being held between 1:00-2:00 on Sundays.
April 7: From Hearth to Cook Stove. This talk traces the shift from hearth cooking to the almost \universal acceptance of kitchen stoves by the end of the nineteenth century.
April 14: Translations from the 1794-1804 Business Accounts of Johannes Markley, Blacksmith—A Primary Source about Life in Late 18th Century New Hanover. The pages give an unquestionable record of who’s-who in the Fagleysville area in 1794 and the goods they purchased. If someone needed such things as apple trees, lime, indigo, shoe leather, mill parts, axes and all manner of blacksmith work—Johannes Markley was the man to see.
April 21: The Story of “Indian Eve.” Presented by Guest Speaker Sandra Kring Leonard, a Descendent of Indian Eve. Born in New Hanover in 1740, Eve Hilbert Ernst and two children were taken hostage by Indians in Bedford County in 1777 and forced to walk to Fort Detroit where she was later rescued by British Military. Eight years later they walked home. An astonishing story.
April 28: When Trees were the Only Fuel. Before canals and railroads brought coal to the region in the 1840’s, wood was the only fuel, not only for homes but all manner of necessary industries.