Boyertown Area School News: Percussionist Named One of State's Top 20


Recently, Boyertown Area Senior High senior, Ryan Schatz, participated in the Region V Band Festival under the PMEA organization. Ryan successfully auditioned and made districts, re-auditioned and was selected to regions. Ryan is a percussionist and the amount of competition for his specific instrument is quite large and challenging. Making it to regions was a major accomplishment! The concert was a tremendous success and he had a great time!

What is even better news, is that Ryan re-auditioned once again and has been selected to be a member of the PMEA All-State Wind Ensemble! That means Ryan is one of the top 20 percussionist in the entire state of Pennsylvania. This is an incredible accomplishment and one that I am so proud of him for. He has worked tremendously hard to get here and all of the educators who have helped him along the way from grade 4 to now could not be more proud!

We couldn't agree more and are working to feature Ryan during an upcoming School Board Meeting as well! Stay tuned.   

[Article submitted by Brian Langdon, BASH Director of Bands and reprinted from Let's Talk Wednesday, a school district digital newsletter.]

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