April 8, 1903: Farmer John Ritter Survives after Stabbing from Hired Man


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

April 8, 1903: John Ritter, a farmer from Greshville, has been stabbed by a hired man known as Tramp whom Ritter had employed on a temporary basis for a few weeks. Ritter had paid him for his work and discharged him, but he came back today and Ritter ordered him off his property.

“Words” ensued and blows were struck. The vagabond then drew a knife and stabbed Ritter five times, three to the face and two to his left side, one close to his heart. It was only a rib that prevented Ritter’s death.

Tramp fled and was pursued by a crowd of men who caught him near Gabelsville. He was brought to Boyertown and put in Fort Lehman. Fortunately, Ritter’s wounds were not lethal.

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