May 5, 1886: Fire at Matthew Stevens Home Leaves Family in Need


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

May 5, 1886: As the children of Matthew Stevens were preparing for bed, a lamp was accidently upset. The subsequent explosion set the bedding on fire which spread rapidly and in a short time the entire room was one mass of flames.

John Trout, a neighbor, responded to a call for help and the cry of fire sounded throughout the streets. The fire department responded quickly and the Hookies soon had it under control.

Almost all of the family clothing has burned up. The family is not “well fixed financially” and the loss estimated at $200, will be keenly felt. Mr. Stevens was at work in the Warwick mines at the time, and he was immediately summoned home. Mrs. Stevens is seriously ill from the effects of the shock.

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