May 10, 1945: General Carl A. Spaatz Stands in for President Eisenhower at Second Peace Treaty Signing


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

May 10, 1945: The Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II, General Dwight D Eisenhower, has refused to attend a second Peace Treaty signing, this one in Berlin, where the Germans surrendered to the Russians today. He has instead sent his trusted aide, General Carl A. Spaatz, to take his place at the table.

The Russian allies had insisted on a separate formal ceremony for the purposes of “showmanship” to confirm to the world that they were in charge. Marshall Georgy Zhykov controlled the proceedings, displaying an air of arrogance and defiance.

A banquet followed and Zhukov offered a toast to General Eisenhower for his “magnificent performance” and the help he gave to the Russians in winning the war! He called Eisenhower “the greatest military strategist of our time.” One toast after another was proposed, and at the end of the diner three generals had to be carried out!

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