May 14, 1892: Dr. John Henry Funk Found in Florida but Court to Rule on Repayment of Stolen Funds


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

May 14, 1892: Proceedings have been instituted against Dr. John Henry Funk in an attempt to regain all or part of the money he is alleged to have taken from the National Bank of Boyertown under false pretenses. Funk surreptitiously left Boyertown three years ago “under a cloud,” and has just been located in Lawley, Florida.

The President of the bank, Daniel L. Rhoads, traveled to the Sunshine state to confront Funk, but he has had a difficult time finding him because he is living in Florida under an assumed name. Funk did not immediately recognize Rhoads, but when he learned who his visitor was, “he almost fell on his back with astonishment.”

In Florida, where Funk is known as Dr. J.F. Henry, he purchased a large tract of timber land on which he has spent a great deal of money to improve. He now has one of the finest farms in the area, said to be worth $6000. His son Walter S. Funk is living there with him. Since Funk has deeded all of his Florida property over to his son, the court will have to decide the matter.

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