June 3, 1876: Young Men Succumb to Evils of Quoit and Croquet Play


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

June 3, 1876: Quoit pitching is becoming a regular nuisance in Boyertown. Young men are neglecting their businesses because of it. A certain business place in town is locked up half the time and when customers call, they will find the proprietor at quoit pitching or in one of the saloons. Quite a number of persons were seen to call at a place and finding the door locked, left, no doubt to make their purchase elsewhere.

Croquet playing is another “evil”; several days ago, two “high-toned” young men were playing a game when a dispute arose so that they began charging each other with cheating and calling each other liars. The result was a “knock down.”

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