
“Peat Bogs of Northern Ireland” -- Acrylic painting on board by Robyn Burckhardt*
by Jane Stahl
Sponsored by a grant from the Boyertown Area Charitable Program, administered by Berks County Community Foundation, Studio B kicks off its summer project with an art exhibit opening on Friday, June 28, 2024, from 5-7 p.m. The reception is free and open to the public.
In the window of the studio is a TV showcasing photographs sent in by members of the community of their “pride and joy.” Photos will be added through the duration of the project. Send yours to
Curious about the younger generation? Inside the studio a student video will run created by Boyertown High School (BASH) graduate Sarah Campbell who interviewed other members of BASH who shared reasons for their pride.
Join other members of the community on Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 11 a.m. at the Boyertown Area Community Library for a community-building art activity titled “Flowers in Bloom” inviting community members to create visual collages expressing pride about who they are and images of their “pride and joy.” An exhibit will be created from the collages.
Meet local writers on Sunday, June 30, 2024, from 1-3 p.m. at Studio B during a writers’ reception. Writers will share the poetry and prose submissions responding to the “I AM: Proud” theme. Throughout the summer their poetry and prose will be published in The Boyertown Area Expression.
Throughout July and August, The Boyertown Area Expression will publish articles featuring members of the community and/or developed from “B Inspired” podcast episodes; we are proud of our BASH grads, neighbors, and friends.
“B Inspired” podcast episodes will continue to drop each Friday on your favorite podcast platform. Some episodes will feature individuals who were guests on the podcast in its earliest years—ICYMI—in case you missed them!
Plus, booklets of the “B Inspired” episode notes from February 2020 through August 2024 will be available for those who’d like to get acquainted with the several hundred people who shared their stories on the podcast.
* Artist Robyn Burckhardt responded to the theme in her painting “Peat Bogs of Northern Ireland” as a testimony of her personal pride stemming from her heritage. She explains, “I’m Irish, Scottish, and English I am told. A visit to Northern Ireland transfixed my personal adoration of the countryside, the culture, the humor and the food. As an artist, [the color] emerald and all the gradations in between enveloped my canvas.” Robyn Burckhardt, Artist / workshop leader, www., @robynburckhardt, 610-247-1744. Robyn was a guest on a “B Inspired” podcast episode. “B Inspired” can be found on your favorite podcast platform.