A Community Flower Blooms to Showcase Families' Pride and Joy


by Jane Stahl

Before the activity began, it looked like Sorcha Smith, Youth Librarian, had pasted a giant sunny-side-up egg on the wall of the Boyertown Community Library's second floor activity room.

Several hours later, however, a flower had blossomed, made up of petals, collages created by several dozen children and adults featuring photos and words signifying their "pride and joy."

Throughout the activity, the attendees became acquainted as they shared ideas, photos, and concerns with one another. Each petal offers an opportunity to get to know what individuals in the community value. 

The project began on Saturday, June 29, 2024, but will continue through August. Individuals are welcome to create petals for the gigantic flower and to examine what each petal expresses.


My own petals included a photo of a dog resembling my grandog, a tree in the shape of a heart shading children and adults holding hands. A few clouds, a red balloon, and the "B Inspired" logo may help folks recognize my work! In a few other petals, I added images or words for other projects that bring me joy: Bear Fever, "Studio B," and "The Boyertown Area Expression" along with the support of the PA Council on the Arts and Berks County Community Foundation (BCCF). 

While we are often shy about sharing what we have accomplished for fear of being seen as bragging or of making others feel "less then" somehow, yet we are encouraged not to hide our light. Our joy and example are often exactly what others need to motivate them or provide "permission" to feel good about themselves. The art activity provided a gentle, non-threatening way to explore what matters to us and share with others. 

Sarah Vasquez, the library's Director of Marketing and Fundraising. captured families' creations. 

Angela Koshinsky, a caregiver at a local senior living facility, her daughter, and I worked side-by-side. Angela was appreciative of the project's positivity. "There's way too much negativity today; it's really harming a lot of people." 

Angela Koshinsky examines the newly-published booklet of "B Inspired" episode notes spotlighting over 200 individuals who have had "casual conversations" with me since February 2020.

While cutting and pasting, she told of senior members of the facility who hadn't seen their family during COVID and were afraid they had been forgotten. The tears and joy  upon a grandson's visit after the facility opened up again are memories that have stuck with her. Opportunities for friends and family to be together have become especially important to her. 

The "Flowers in Bloom" project is part of Studio B Art Gallery's summer project "I AM: Proud," funded by a grant from the Boyertown Area Charitable Program, administered by the Berks County Community Foundation. Reaching out and engaging members of the community in the arts to develop community cohesiveness is the mission of the project. 

From July 1, 2024, hrough August 2024, The Boyertown Area Expression will publish poetry, prose, art, and articles featuring members of the community in efforts to showcase the many talented, heroic, and passionate individuals and their activities making Boyertown "a special kind of place."

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