July 22, 1913: President Wilson Accepts Resignation of Col. Thomas Leidy Rhoads


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

July 22, 1913: With Great reluctance, after a month’s deliberation, President Woodrow Wilson has accepted the resignation of Col. Thomas Leidy Rhoads as his aide de camp (top adviser).

Rhoads agreed to do so until Wilson became acclimated to his new job. He now believes it is time for him to resume his work in surgery and the practice of medicine in the US Army, the work for which he had been trained.

Upon accepting his resignation, President Wilson gave Col. Rhoads a fine letter of appreciation for his invaluable services to the country, and Rhoads returned to his post as head of Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C.

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