
by Chad Pennington, Boyertown High School
I am proud to share the results of our Boyertown High School Chapter [of the Technology Students Association] as they traveled to Orlando, FL, to compete against over 9,000 kids from 48 states and 7 other countries!
Sixteen Boyertown High School students drove an 18-hour journey from Boyertown to Orlando as a part of our TSA National Conference. Accompanied by chaperones Keith Kopicki and Mackenzie Pope, the kids competed for five days, and several made the final top 15 at the national conference.
The chapter started the week well, winning several awards, including the American Cancer Society Purple Award for the highest donation in the world by an individual chapter of TSA. Furthermore, many Boyertown students won the TSA Gold Achievement Award, which is given to students who exemplify service, volunteerism, leadership, and proficiency in TSA. Those students included: Mckenna Smith, Aly Hadfield, Eryn Drobins, Abby Johnstin, Allyson Bosler, Thomas Huber, and Grace Gibbons.
Boyertown continued the week strong on the way to the final awards ceremony at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando. The 2024 Boyertown students achieved something that has never been done before, finishing the conference with two first-place finishers! Congratulations to McKenna Smith for her first-place victory in Architectural CAD and to Milly Liang for her first-place finish in Promotional Design.
It is a huge honor and rare for students to finish in the Top 10 at Nationals; the competition is fierce. Each event boasts around 100 entries from every state in the country and even other countries, and the kids went up against a record-setting number of participants at the conference this year, which spanned 5 Universal Orlando Hotels and reached nearly 10,000 students!
Here is a full list of the top 10 finishers at Nationals for Boyertown High School.
2024 TSA National Conference Finalist Results
Architectural CAD
1st Place - McKenna Smith
Photographic Technology
9th Place - Isabella Zettlemoyer (Freshman Academy)
Prepared Presentation
9th Grade - Summer Bellino
Promotional Design
1st Place - Milly Liang
9th Place - Grace Gibbons
Video Game Design
9th Place - Thomas Huber, Luke Soda
Congratulations TSA! #BASHTSABEARProud