"B Inspired": Encore Episode--Cascino: Extra "C" for Caring. Community. Commitment.


by Jane Stahl

In a"B Inspired" episode originally released in 2022, Jamie and Jeff Cascino explained that the "Extra 'C'" in the Cascino name stands for "caring, community, commitment and comes from a deep gratitude for the blessings life has given them.

Their home--the former home of the beloved Mary Lou and Charles Haddad--to them is a home to be enjoyed by the community. Often the place for parties and gatherings, it is also the spot for the Cascino's annual "Wishing Tree" on which children and adults write their wishes on ornaments to be placed on the tree. It's a lovely tradition...warms the heart on December's coldest days...as the wishes are tiny prayers for hope and love.

Stop by the tree at 209 N Monroe Street and make a wish! 

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