January 5, 2025: Things We "Heard" and Would Like To Share ...


by Lesley Misko

Book Nook Offers a Great Deal

The arrival of cold weather and snow make this a perfect time to enjoy a good book. Boyertown's Book Nook, a used book store located at 130 E. Philadelphia Ave. in Boyertown, is eager to help you find the perfect book. They invite you to visit their "Winter Stock -Up Sale,"  that will continue throughout January.

Owner of Two Lost Cats Desperately Asks for Help

Two poor indoor cats lost their safe and familiar lifestyle when their owner passed away. They have been missing for a long time. It is bitterly cold and they are not self-sufficient in the outdoors. Can you help save them? Here is the post that has appeared repeatedly on local social networking sites.  

"HELP! Elive+ Mercedes (two bonded twins/lap cats) RAN AWAY October 1, 2024 from 205 E. 3r street in Boyertown, 19512. The owner is deceased. Cats are INDOOR ONLY!! Spayed and neutered  and five years old. Very friendly. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU SEE THEM. Their MICROCHIP WILL READ 'SUN+SOON'."  215-962-2463   

If You're Looking for a Way to Warm Up...

Help the Boyertown Car Museum Attain #1

Building a Better Boyertown Shares:  


The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles has been nominated for The Philadelphia Inquirer's "Philly Favorites," but we're up against some great competitors!

To vote for us daily, visit www.votephillyfaves.com under

Things to Do >


Place to Take Visitors

Voting  Closes: 5pm Sunday, January 19, 2025Results: Sunday, April 20, 2025  

New Hanover Township Parks and Recreation Invites You ...

"Join us for our next book club meeting where we'll discuss Bird Hotel by Joyce Maynard and The Bootlegger's Daughter by Nadine Nettmann. 

Let's unwind and share our thoughts on these great books!"  

Location:  Peppes Pizza & Grill    January 27, 2025   5:30 PM  

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