Middle School East Students Tackle Puzzle Solving Challenges


Middle School East 7th-graders Ben Mcdermott and Michael Wydrzynski kicked off opening day activities for faculty and staff by accepting the challenge to solve MULTIPLE Rubik's Cubes, follow a pattern, and design a second puzzle of a bear paw in front of more than 500 adults. Not only did they display grace under pressure. They made it look "easy, peasy!"

With a little help from Mrs. Kim Mento, MSE Librarian, and approximately 130 Rubik's Cubes (funded through grants for the MSE library), the two had less than 15 minutes to complete the work captured below. Later in the program, the two joined approximately ten staff members to complete yet another puzzle for the audience.

Ben is a self-described "problem-solver" who loves puzzles of all kinds. He enjoys "challenging his brain." Michael's love of cube-solving began last year when he met Mrs. Mento. Now she tosses a cube his way everyday when he enters the library. Michael and Ben worked together on multiple Rubik's projects throughout their 6th-grade year and look forward to the new challenges ahead.  

[Editor's Note- This article recently appeared in the BASD digital newsletter "Let's Talk Tuesdays."]

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Brakeman's Cafe is doing a fundraiser for more cubes for the East library. Order the liBEARian latte and vote for East (or West), and Brakeman's will donate a dollar to that school library. 

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