April 2, 1873: Mischievous Lads Defile Meeting Place for Methodists


By Margaret Leidy Harner from her book One Day at a Time: A Social History of Boyertown, PA.

April 2, 1873: In the 1870’s before they built their own church at 301 East Philadelphia Avenue, the Methodists rented the coffee shop of the Union House for their worship. At today’s services, mischievous boys broke into the room, “defiling the place shamefully and interrupting a revival meeting.” During another observance, a “rollicking, care-free fellow” came staggering up the steps from the cellar saloon, “loaded to the gills, boisterously groping his way” through the group. The irony of using the Union House for religious events was not lost on Editor Spatz because of the extensive business its bar conducted.

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