
by Jane Stahl
Since 2014, the ladies of Boyertown Junior Woman's Club along with several high school girls have planned and organized “Once Upon a Prom” to be held March 1 & 2, and March 8 & 9, 2025, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
The event is held at the Boyertown YMCA, located at 301 W. Spring Street, Boyertown.
Any junior or senior high school girl in need of a special occasion dress is welcome to come browse the collection of over 800 dresses, in all sizes, plus accessories. All girls are invited to take a dress or two home for a small donation which benefits our local community.
"I estimate that we have helped over 500 girls through this program," says Anita Zuber, "probably a saving them and their families at least $300 to $400.
"Most girls choose long gowns, and often leave with more than one dress along with shoes, jewelry, and purses, "Anita continues. "The jeweled and/or glittery gowns are the favorites!!"
The Club reports that last season, over 900 dresses (long & short) were donated from area residents. Some gowns were returned from the previous years; some new gowns were donated from Agnes Edmunds in Pottstown and Alessia's Bridal & Formal Wear in Pennsburg. Many accessories were donated by Revive Consignment Store.
"We owe BIG thanks to the bridal shops and consignment store, the Boyertown YMCA for allowing us to use their building, and Zuber Realty for allowing people to drop off donations and help us transport dresses, racks, and accessories," she concludes.
For questions, or to donate dresses/accessories contact Anita Zuber (610-367-0686).
The Boyertown Junior Woman’s Club
The Boyertown Junior Woman’s Club operates with an understanding offered by cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
This modest group is comprised of a group of dedicated women who “pack a mighty punch” through the volunteer their time and talents they offer enriching the Boyertown area and beyond with projects benefiting our youth and those in need.
The Club year runs from September until May, meeting at 7:00 on the second Monday of the month, at St. Columbkill’s Church. (Note: The February 2025 meeting will be held at the Boyertown Ambulance Building, 2 East Second Street, Boyertown. All are invited to attend.)
Each month throughout the year, the Club collects items for the Multi Service Food Pantry. Scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors. Support and donations are provided through a Girls’ Night Out Basket Raffle to be held on March 22, 2025, at Hope Community Church, Gilbertsville benefitting the Salvation Army; Coatesville Veterans Center; and to offer Thanksgiving baskets complete with all the trimmings for a Multi-Service family.
Participation includes a Christmas meal and gifts for the Club’s Multi-Service family and providing goody-filled Easter baskets and Back-to-School items for Multi-Service.
Donations from fundraisers have benefited the Boyertown Ambulance, General Spaatz Museum, Hurricane Relief for North Carolina & Florida, and wildfire damage in California.
Speakers are invited to the Club’s meetings providing information about local non-profits like Shady Hollow Assisted Riding Stables, Pillars of Light and Love counseling center, and Operation Backpack.
BJWC organization is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Club’s (GFWC), founded in 1890, with about 3,200 clubs represented in thousands of communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and over a dozen countries around the world by dedicated volunteers working to better the lives of their neighbors, make towns safer and more beautiful, and extend the hand of support and friendship to indiividduals near and far.
The PA GFWC is headquartered in Camphill, Pennsylvania. Currently there are 80 clubs with approximately 2,500 members in the PA GFWC. The GFWC Founded more than 75% of the nation’s public libraries, developed kindergarten programs in public schools, work for food and drug regulation, and lead the drive for emergency relief support for efforts from World War I, to 9/11, and to recent-day devastation in Haiti, Japan, and the U.S.
Mothers and daughters, business and community leaders, and women of diverse interests, talents, and backgrounds are united by a dedication to community improvement through volunteer service. Currently there are member clubs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, plus more than a dozen countries around the world – about 3,200 clubs worldwide.