
"Congratulations! Cruisin’ with Jude! You're the lucky winner of a 7-day cruise with Magical Wonders Vacations!"
Owner of Magical Wonders Vacations, Judy Wetzel found her life turned upside down when her beloved husband, the love of her life, and her business partner died without warning. His death and her overwhelming grief left her wondering if she and the vacation planning business that they’d created together would survive.
Yet, one year later, both she and the business have more than survived. Wetzel has turned her personal situation into an opportunity to meet a goal that she and her husband had set in frequent discussions in their car when they first began—helping families plan vacations and, through them, make memories, create strong family bonds, and enjoy life together.
The initiative requires some explanation. “I hate traveling alone,” Wetzel shares. “And so, at a recent conference I attended, in an effort to fill their ships’ manifests, the cruise line offered ‘free cruises’ to those owners of vacation planning businesses like myself who attended the conference, I was hesitant to accept,” she continues, “until a friend suggested I invite another of my friends to sail with me.”
“That suggestion has changed my life. I invited a good friend, who had just lost someone special to her, to a cruise on a new cruise line. We had a blast!” she shares.
“I invited other owners of vacation planning businesses who have been especially good to me, to join me on other cruises at discounted rates or on new cruise lines. And I’m leaving next week for a cruise to Alaska with another friend who loves the state and has longed to re-visit it,” she continues.
“But the best story is one involving someone I don’t even know personally. She’s a friend of a friend who also lost her husband recently--who is joining me on a vacation she may not have allowed herself to take without this opportunity,” she explains. The cruise is being presented as a prize she’s won—free to her. Port taxes and airfare are being covered by Wetzel and friends.
Reflecting on the circumstances that inspired Wetzel’s initiative has required some faith, the help of friends she’s made over many years of community involvement, and the problem the cruise industry is currently facing as a result of COVID.
“The cruise industry has been hit hard by the various mandates requiring COVID vaccinations and boosters. Not everyone is vaccinated; many more are wary about being in the company of other people over an extended time. The ships have not been filled,” she explains.
“But it’s a win-win-win—it’s making lemonade from lemons! I’ve benefited by keeping my business going; my friends and friends-of-friends have traveled places they never would have traveled without this opportunity, the cruise lines benefit by the increased knowledge their agents get regarding new travel arrangements and options and by decreasing preconceived ideas about the nature of cruise vacations, and—most important—when one of the friends I gifted with a cruise, books a cruise on her own to celebrate her wedding anniversary next season!” Wetzel offers.
“Several things are certain. I’ve changed: the idea that I’m not in charge has been reinforced. ‘Man plans, and God laughs’ is certainly true. While my husband and I were supposed to grow old together, I recognize that the right people were brought into my life at just the right time. It really is chilling to recognize how things happen even when we’re not paying attention; we’d be smart if we were to be present to each moment of our lives. None of us is promised tomorrow,” Wetzel adds.
“We built our business booking trips to Disney; in my community I was known as the ‘Disney Lady’; my husband and I had plans to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary at Disney by wearing t-shirts that identified us as a couple. Mine would say, ‘I’m his Minnie’; his would read ‘I’m her Mickey,’ Wetzel laughs. “But, again, I’ve changed; today I want to be your cruise girl. So, visit or call me 484-333-0114. Cruisin’ with Jude!” (Stay tuned for “B Inspired” podcast episode with Judy Wetzel scheduled to drop September 16, 2022.)