School District News Clips: Reasons To Be Proud


Student works on building facade for 8th grade project. See story and additional photos below.

These updates about Boyertown Area School District student activities and achievements were originally published in Let's Talk Tuesdays, a school district digital newsletter.  

BASH Senior Earns Scholarship

The Berks Career and Technology Center East awarded a $1,200. scholarship to BASH senior Griffen O'Brien, a student studying Culinary Arts. The scholarship was awarded in memory of  a BASH classmate, Eoin Towers, who unexpectedly passed away last year. Funding for the scholarship was raised by Eoin's brother, and the Boyertown Area Education Association also contributed.  

BASH Senior Honored for STEM Education Commitment

Just as there are "signing days," when student athletes sign letters committing to attend  a particular college, there is now a signing day for seniors who sign letters committing to attend a technical, two, or four year school to study science, technology, engineering, or math, known as STEM. BASH senior Madison Pishock  was one of only 40 students in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware honored for making that commitment.

Photo courtesy of Debie Pishock and Mrs. Christen Mazzie, BASD school counselor.

BASH Junior Receives NJROTC Medal

BASH Senior Naval Science Instructor LCDR Robert S. Hayman awarded the Theodore Roosevelt Medal for Navy Junior ROTC Outstanding Cadet to BASH 11th grade student Austin Parker. A $100 check accompanied the award. 

Middle School 8th Grade Students Complete Community Project

Eighth grade students at Middle Schools East and West spent the last two weeks of the school year working on a project in which they were asked to develop a fictional plot of land for community use. 

Divided into groups of eight and assigned to specific jobs within their group, students had to work as effective teams to complete the task. The project provided an opportunity for students to use a variety of knowledge and skills acquired throughout their education. 

Among other things, students had to follow  architectural plans created by a group member, construct a building, create a building facade, landscape it, and work on the interior design. Each group had a project manager. Communication skills were also emphasized throughout the process, but especially at the project's conclusion when students presented their projects and explained their process to members of the community who evaluated the completed projects. 

The concept of a grade-wide culminating project was introduced in the school district over 20 years ago by Mr. Thomas Blocher, principal, and the faculty at what was then Junior High West. Later, the project was expanded to include both junior highs and with the transition to middle schools, the project was moved from ninth grade to eighth. 

First group of photos  from Middle School East, courtesy of Mr. Steven Fegley, art teacher.

Second group of photos from Middle School West. courtesy of Mrs. Stephanie Landis, MSW Principal.

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