Boyertown's Ukrainian Sister City Fights to Survive; Voters' Response Can Help Them Remain Free


Editor's Note-

Originally paired by the “Sister Cities” program in 1983, Bohodukhiv, Ukraine and Boyertown have continued to share a friendship. Now, like the rest of Ukraine, Bohodukhiv is suffering during the war resulting from Russia’s aggression.

Retired Boyertown teacher, Linda Weinberger, has been initiating and organizing efforts to aid residents of the town. Initiatives have ranged from providing food and money to sending small gifts to children and scarves to help them stay warm. Weinberger has been assisted by another retired Boyertown teacher, Pam Ferraro, and the now deceased, Dr. Jim Tribbett, and area residents have been donating generously

As the war has continued to devastate Ukraine, Weinberger has shared updates about Bohodukhiv, and The Expression has published a series of articles based on those updates.

The suffering of Bohodukhiv’s citizens is just a micro-version of Ukraine's struggle to remain free. It is gut wrenching to see these innocent people fighting to survive. Military experts agree that without American assistance, Ukraine is doomed.

Meanwhile, here in America, it is election season. Some candidates have declared support for Ukraine and its fight to be a free democratic nation; some candidates refuse to support Ukraine's fight for freedom. As we celebrate our own nation's freedom by casting our votes, we encourage our readers who care about the plight of Ukraine, to research to find candidates who are congruent with their point of view.

Below, you can read and see Linda Weinberger's most recent update about how these war-torn Ukrainians are currently faring. At the end of the article, you can also find links to previously published Expression updates.

by Linda Weinberger

Autumn Greetings, Friends. . .It's been a while since I've sat down to write an email about our friends in Bohodukhiv, UKR. But rest assured, we have kept in touch with the town and its people. Here's the news as I know it: 

Bohodukhiv has been shelled at least twice in the past few weeks. In the most recent one which I think was the beginning of September, one man was killed and others were injured. Air raids continue day and night; school is still virtual; everyone is exhausted and remains on high alert. 

In Vita's words, "At about 4 p.m. Bohodukhiv was shelled 4 times at different places of the area. There are even killed and wounded inhabitants. One place was VERY close to our house. It was so scary and fast that we couldn't have time to get to the shelter. I had to hide behind the sofa. It was shelled with cluster bombs, 'Tornado.'  Later I managed to take a picture. Now the forest is burning."

And yet life goes on. The "kitchen ladies" continue to make food for soldiers, and we recently sent them another $200 for supplies. They are eternally grateful and send warm thanks and regards.

Not long ago, Pam Ferraro received a ThriVent grant from her church which covered the cost of about 80 rechargeable flashlights. They sure do help the dark seem a little less scary to families in bomb shelters. Vita has received and distributed them. 

Early in the war we sent financial assistance to a woman who had been bombed out of her house in Kharkiv and came to live with her mother-in-law in Bohodukhiv. The woman's son was in the war, had a head injury, and the woman, Ludmyla, ended up using the funds we sent her for food for the soldiers on her son's ward. Fast forward and Ludmyla is now a volunteer in the hospital, still treating wounded soldiers. She asked if we could send HyFin Vent Chest bandages. We had just received a generous donation in memory of Jim Tribbett which covered 32 packs of bandages. The same day, we received another unexpected donation which covered shipping, so off they went.  

In Ludmyla's  words, "We’ve received a package from you. We are very grateful to you for sending the bandages , for your heart-warming support of Ukraine and our defenders! For your understanding the historical mission of our soldiers! For sharing this heavy burden with the Ukrainian people! Each pair of bandages will be added to one of 32 tactical first aid kits. That is, 32 warriors will receive protection from your hands! This will be another step towards our victory! Together until the fair end of the war!!!  Sincerely yours, Lyudmila Demyanenko."  

An ongoing project is sending food boxes which are packaged by MEEST, stored in Poland, and are delivered right to people's homes. (How DO THEY DO THAT??!!). At this point we have sent nearly 40 boxes and Vita will be sending 10 more names of families. We have received amazing donations from St. Marks Lutheran Church in Birdsboro and St. Luke Lutheran Church Endowment Fund in Gilbertsville, as well as generous donations from YOU, which have enabled us to send food boxes.  

A few recipients. . .   

Many have asked about Vita and her cancer situation. Vita is currently cancer-free and must have check-ups every 3 months. She recently had a check-up in Kharkiv, which she traveled to with trepidation. It is bombed nearly daily. She said the hospital was bombed and it took her a day to recover from seeing burned out cars, bombed shells of buildings, and the hospital itself damaged. 

But Vita was in Kharkiv for a happy occasion, too. Her daughter Lera, who had been in Sicily doing volunteer work for a year,  was coming home. Through an amazing set of circumstances and coincidences, and an anonymous donor, Vita was able to visit Lera in Sicily for one week at the end of the summer. Her doctor had recommended some R&R; Vita said being away from Bohodukhiv for those few days was like a dream come true and a different world. 

I know you join me in continually holding this town, these people, and this country in the Light as they daily live this life of wartime and heartache. Thank you for your ongoing concern and support! In friendship. . .

Linda Weinberger with Pam Ferraro and Jim Tribbett (from above)  

Links to previous Expression articles on this topic; links are in chronological order.

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