
Editor's note: As February is the “month of love," The Expression invites readers to share their love stories. Please consider submitting yours to or
We are inspired by columns, appearing Sundays in the New York Times “Style” section of the paper ( that has spawned a podcast, a book, and a TV show. The columns vary in length, subject matter, and outcomes.
Some are about “traditional love” and others about same-sex love; some are about love that triumphs and others are about betrayal of love; some are about love of a possession, a pet, a place, a dream, a career. Some are stories of smooth sailing in a relationship and others are about a rocky road. The only commonality is that the stories are all interesting because they reflect the hopes, dreams, fears...the real lives of the people who submit them, bringing greater understanding and unity to their local communities. Good stuff--what the world needs now.
by John Yamrus
they don’t get it, do they?
not saying
more than
twenty words
to each other
the whole afternoon,
we planted and
hosed and
the entire yard,
getting the place
ready for summer.
when we were done,
your shoes
and jeans
were soaked...
my hands were sore
and my neck
was stiff.
we came in the house,
ate a salad
and fell asleep
in front of the tv.
this is the gift...
and i am
one of the few
lucky enough to have solved
its mystery.
i think
the time that
you’re the most
beautiful is when
your face is swollen
from sleep, and your hair
is matted and messed and i
stand at the side of the bed, the
king of all i am and all i have and
i will
ever be.
tell you one thing for certain...
i’ve got a lot more
than tomorrows.
the only thing
about that
they all
were spent
with you.
John Yamrus is a local writer whose latest book is DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER, available on Amazon.