Hear Them Roar: Building a Better Boyertown Charters HERstory Event


Building a Better Boyertown (BaBB)  proudly announces the first annual Making HERstory, a fundraising dinner to celebrate the amazing women of the Boyertown area community.

On March 8, 2025, this ticketed event begins at 6 p.m. and will include a catered dinner, entertainment, prizes and so many opportunities to "treat yourself"!

“Gather all the women you know who deserve a night out and make this a night to remember! “ encourages Ellen Martignetti, Boyertown’s Main Street Manager.

"We're celebrating friendship, memories, connections," adds Krista Gross, events coordinator for BaBB. "There will be signature cocktails by Stirrups Mobile Bar, dinner by Bause Catered events, conversations and connections by participants 'Trophy Wives,' raffle prizes from your favorite places, scents and jewelry by Henry Faire Co and Permalinked."

Proceeds from this event will go towards the Marianne Deery Community Gateway Project, honoring the former Mayor and Council Member who dedicated her life to serving the Boyertown Community.

For more information and securing tickets for this project, visit, www.buildingabetterboyertown.org/projects

Save the dates for the following BaBB events. 

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