Call to Writers: Guest Column Themes--Luck & Kermit's Plea


"Luck of the Irish" comes to mind each March as we approach St. Patrick's Day. And while I don't know the origin of the expression, I do enjoy hearing stories of those moments where we "lucked out" or somehow survived an agonizingly unfortunate stroke of bad luck.

Got a story to share? We'd love it if you shared it with us.

"It's not easy being green"
is Kermit the Muppet Frog's lament. The color green always comes to mind during the month of shamrocks.  Kermit admits that life can be difficult being different--a different color, different size or any other kind of different. Being different, standing out creates hosts of reactions--from others and about ourselves--some good, some not-so-good.

How has being "different" in some way created a problem or advantage for you or someone you know? 

To participate in this month's "Expression," send your story to or We'd love to get to know you better! 

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