Zuber Realty Names Top Performers at Annual Progress Luncheon


Celebrating the agency's  efforts (left to right) are Lee Heffner, Paula Babb, Diane Evanco, Rich Zuber, Jane Stahl, Connie Dolansky, Paul Stahl, Vanessa Deskie, Mark Roberts, and Jody Dolansky.

by Jane Stahl

In announcing the top producers for 2024, recognition of persistence and determination in achieving success was the theme Richard Zuber, owner of Richard A. Zuber Reality, chose to emphasize during the company’s recent annual progress luncheon at Grind restaurant in Boyertown, PA.

Connie Dolansky, Jody Dolansky, and Vanessa Deskie earned Top Performer recognition.

Left to right: Rich Zuber, owner; agent Vanessa Deskie, associate broker Connie Dolansky, and agent Jody Dolansky.

Zuber offered, “Their commitment to their clients and the company has been instrumental in achieving where we are now. Their commitment to continue to ‘Push On' will create a successful future for themselves, their clients, and Zuber Realty."

He continued, saying, “Connie’s experience in the real estate business for over 40 years contributes to the knowledge she shares with her customers and clients. Her dedication to detail helps clients and customers have a thorough understanding of documents throughout their buying or selling process. Her repeat business, dealing with friends, relatives and referrals reflects her dedication and loyalty.”

Jody Dolansky heads the agency’s Community Outreach Committee, has spearheaded the company’s annual Holiday Light Tour over the past six years, and shares her commitment to her clients, saying, “I feel honored every time someone chooses me to represent them as their Realtor. They are making the biggest purchase of their life and trust me enough to help guide them through it. It's not a responsibility I take lightly.”

Vanessa Deskie attributes her success to developing relationships with a lot of different people from neighboring communities. “I let people know I am a Realtor, happy to help in any way if they just have questions or when they need a realtor. I enjoy conversations about real estate, and folks appreciate free advice on my favorite topic! One client told me recently she appreciated my being so communicative throughout the whole process unlike her last out-of-state purchase. When you make clients part of a team, success is a by-product,” she concluded. 

In his remarks Zuber offered Calvin Coolidge's observation.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

The Coolidge observation was included in Tom Selleck’s biography, You’ll Never Know, in which Sellick recalls what brought him success throughout his artistic journey. Zuber finds inspiration in reading about the lives of successful people in various businesses and shares their stories as an annual part of the company’s progress luncheons.

 “The COVID years made those of us in business become smarter and more creative in servicing our clients,” Zuber added. His memories include “suiting up” with protective masks and gloves for solo tours by phone of homes for sale so as not to risk infecting others. He recalled the power of developing relationships while assisting a former ball player whom he’d coached years before who remembered what he’d learned from him as a young ballplayer.

“Essential insights about others and myself from those years and my experiences have continued through 2024 and will be beneficial going forward,” Zuber continued. “We can’t focus on the past.”

A special tribute for community service was given to Lee Heffner. “Lee comes through every time,” Zuber commented. “Showing up, being prepared, and enthusiastically ready to help are his trademarks. These are invaluable traits.”

Lee Heffner was presented a Service Award by Rich Zuber for efforts "over and above" in community involvement.

Zuber acknowledged the efforts and flexibility of staff member Paula Babb, TriCounty+ Appraisal’s agent Susan Martin, and the long-time efforts of agent Betsy Bellantoni.

“We’re unique in this business. Serving our clients by being active partners in our communities is what we do and will continue. Zuber Realty works for YOU!” Referencing Sellick’s title, he concluded, saying, “You’ll never know what exactly will come from our involvement, but we know it will be something good.”

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